The bond amongst Marines, even separated by generations, is instinctive. Spending time among those that you can tell stories, relate experiences, share a drink with and genuinely like with little or no effort is of tremendous value in today's society. Esprit De Corps is what we have earned and deserve to enjoy for the rest of our lives.


Jarhead Professionals will naturally serve as a networking/leads organization and be mutually beneficial to all of the members. Whether these benefits present themselves as advice, economic partnerships, leads, friendships, or mentors will depend on the individuals. However, the guiding idea of the group is that you are here to give, not to take.


Only good things come out of serving one's community. The Jarhead Professionals organizes multiple community service activities annually, with each individual member participating in at least half.

Request For Help from Jim Chirdo

You may contact Jim for more information through Facebook

Link to Facebook article.

Hello everyone, we have a brother in need. Sergeant Bret Fugate is an operator in the Force Recon Co, at 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. He is a veteran of the Reconnaissance Community and an incredible Force Recon Marine. Three weeks ago Sergeant Fugate was in a very serious speed flying (parachuting) accident. He sustained extremely serious injuries and has a very long road to recovery. His mother, aunt and one of his brothers has flown out from Wisconsin and has been at his side for the past two weeks. His brother and aunt will be returning home soon, however his mother would like to stay at his side until the Marine Corps allows him to go home for further recovery. However, this could take many weeks. The Marine Corps has agreed to take care of some of their bills, but only on a reimbursement style basis. Right now his family is shouldering the brunt of these bills and needs our help to be able to continue to pay out of pocket. As many of you know during times like these costs add up quickly and I am working to get his family the financial support they need in this trying time. I have opened up a separate checking account at my bank (Wells Fargo) under my wife's name to collect funds for his family's growing expenses. I am begging on Bret's behalf because I know he never would. If you can spare any amount to donate to our Wounded Warrior it would be greatly appreciated. I know Bret and his family would be forever grateful for any and all support given. After all donations have been collected, I will personally deliver a check to Bret's mother.

There are two methods for helping out this Marine and his family:

gofundme: Please click here to be directed to the gofundme account.

Marine Reconnaissance Foundation: Please click here to be directed to the MRF website.

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